Vores værdier

Vores værdier danner nøgleordene for ATRADIUS.

AT = Ambitious Teamwork,

RA = Reliable Accountability

DI = Drive Improvement

US = Unrivalled Service



Ambitious Teamwork

I am proud to be part of Atradius and want to contribute to the team I work in to support the Vision of Atradius to be the market leader for trade credit risk solutions. That is why I am continuously developing myself to improve my own, my team, my country/department and thus Atradius' performance. I do not accept mediocrity or unethical behaviour. I work with others in my team and together with other departments, because I can reach a higher level of customer satisfaction and so: retention of valuable customers. I use our international network to the benefit of our clients. I respect other cultures and my actions are based on integrity, trust and mutual esteem. I ensure that my skills, expertise and support are available to my external and internal customers. I respect their contributions to our shared goals, and I stimulate and support them. I share my appreciation for their input and provide constructive feedback.

Reliable Accountability

As a company that is working in the financial services sector we have to be reliable to our customers so they can put trust in us, as colleagues working together for them and our financial strength. That means that I, my team and all departments working together for the country and Atradius as a whole, have to work together to make this promise come true.  I am accepting ownership and accountability for my role and actions towards internal and external customers and will continuously contribute to the success of Atradius.

Drive Improvement

As the market demands are changing over time Atradius has to keep up with the requirements of the current and potential customers. That is why we have to adapt to a process of continuous improvement. That means that I am actively thinking about ideas to improve the products and services Atradius is providing to the market. I value innovation and see change as a positive and constant element of growth. I am dedicated to integrate and develop Atradius' knowhow to provide and improve the best guidance to our customers worldwide.

Unrivalled Service

I endorse the mission statement of Atradius to support our customers’ growth by strengthening their credit and cash management by working with my team and other colleagues in the other departments to offer the customers the best service possible. Acting like this I and my colleagues create sustainable value for our clients and the business world. I care about my own and my colleagues' professional well-being and prioritise work and private life in a balanced way. Keeping this balance between work and life, I will be able to keep up my sustainable contribution to the services of Atradius.


Oplysningerne heri er udelukkende informative og må ikke bruges til andre formål. Se venligst den aktuelle police eller den relevante produkt- eller serviceaftale for de gældende betingelser. Intet heri medfører nogen rettighed, forpligtelse eller ansvar på vegne af Atradius, herunder enhver forpligtelse til at foretage due diligence af købere eller på dine vegne. Hvis Atradius foretager en due diligence vedr. en køber, er det for egne forsikringstekniske formål og ikke til fordel for den forsikrede eller nogen anden person. Ydermere må Atradius eller dets tilknyttede virksomheder eller datterselskaber ikke på noget tidspunkt være ansvarlig for direkte, indirekte, konkret dokumenterede tab eller følgetab, der måtte opstå som følge af brugen af udtalelserne i denne information