Atradius erhverver Graydon


Amsterdam, 19. september 2016 – Atradius erhverver Graydon – Styrker vores inkasso- og informationsservice

Atradius N.V., a leading international credit insurance, surety and collections company today announced its acquisition of 55% of the shares in Graydon Holding N.V., one of the world’s leading business information providers. With this acquisition Atradius, which already owned a 45% stake in Graydon will become the sole shareholder. Graydon is a leading business information services provider in the Netherlands, Belgium and the UK with business operations in credit management, risk and compliance, marketing information and debt collection. Graydon will continue to operate independently.

Atradius and Graydon have similar strategies when it comes to collecting significant amounts of data and converting it into valuable information that can help our customers grow their businesses. We believe Graydon will create synergies that improve our credit management and collections offerings and strengthen our underwriting capabilities.

Isidoro Unda Atradius
Isidoro Unda, Chairman

Marcel van Es, CEO of Graydon: added “Graydon has a longstanding  relationship with Atradius and we are grateful for their confidence and support in our strategy. They have a strong understanding of the business in which we operate and see clear opportunities for the collaboration with Graydon. We are looking forward in working together more closely in the future.”

About Atradius

Atradius provides trade credit insurance, surety and collections services worldwide through a strategic presence in 50 countries. Atradius has access to credit information on 200 million companies worldwide. Its credit insurance, bonding and collections products help protect companies throughout the world from payment risks associated with selling products and services on trade credit. Atradius forms part of Grupo Catalana Occidente (GCO.MC), one of the leading insurers in Spain and worldwide in credit insurance.

About Graydon

Graydon provides business information solutions for Credit Management & Collections, Marketing Intelligence and Risk & Compliance. By converting data into innovative business insights, Graydon helps companies to identify commercial opportunities and reduce risks. Graydon has offices in the Netherlands, Belgium and the UK and uses a network of 130 international databases around the world with information of more than 90 million companies.



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