Atradius indfrier obligationer


Amsterdam, 31. juli 2014 - Atradius indfrier obligationer til en værdi af 120 mio euro

Atradius N.V. (Atradius) and its wholly owned subsidiary Atradius Finance B.V. announced today that Atradius Finance B.V. intends to exercise the call option contained in its €120,000,000 Fixed to Floating Rate Step-up Guaranteed Subordinated Bonds due 2024 guaranteed by Atradius N.V. and Atradius Credit Insurance N.V. (the Bonds - ISIN XS0199879221; Common Code: 019987922) on 3 September 2014.

The Bonds were issued on 3 September 2004 with an original maturity of 20 years. At the issuer’s option, the Bonds can be redeemed on 3 September 2014 and each interest payment date thereafter. The issuer will redeem the Bonds in full on 3 September 2014 (i.e. the first optional call date) at their principal amount together with accrued interest.

Important Notice 
Nothing in the present notice constitutes an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy in any jurisdiction (including in the United States of America, in Italy, in the United Kingdom or in Japan). No document related to this call on the first optional call date can be circulated, directly or indirectly (i) in the United States of America, in Italy, in the United Kingdom or in Japan, or to any person located or resident in these countries or in the countries mentioned in (ii) hereafter or (ii) in any other country where such circulation could be illegal or subject to legal restrictions.

About Atradius
The Atradius Group provides trade credit insurance, surety and collections services worldwide and has a presence through more than 160 offices in 50 countries. Atradius has access to credit information on 100 million companies worldwide. Its products help protect companies throughout the world from payment risks associated with selling products and services on credit.

For further information:
Atradius Corporate Communications
Christine Gerryn
Tel.: +31 20 553 2047


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