Landerapport Storbritannien 2017

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16 May 2017

I tider med øget usikkerhed er et fald konkursraten med 7% primært forårsaget af statistiske tilretninger frem for økonomisk modstandsdygtighed.



United Kingdom key indicators
United Kingdom industries performance forecast



The insolvency environment

Insolvency increase in 2016 

In 2016 the UK Insolvency Service recorded a 15% year-on-year increase in compulsory liquidations and creditors’ voluntary liquidations in England and Wales rose to 14,810 cases. However, this increase was primarily caused by changes to claimable expenses rules, which led to the liquidation of nearly 1,800 personal service companies (PSC) in Q4 of 2016. Excluding those PSCs, the increase was 1% year-on-year. Given the exceptionally high insolvency level in 2016, an 7% decrease is expected in 2017, signalling statistical adjustment, but not economic resilience, as business insolvencies in certain industries are expected to increase due to on-going uncertainty surrounding Brexit.



British business insolvencies



Economic situation

Growth rate expected to slow down in 2017



United Kingdom real GDP growth



In the aftermath of the June 2016 Brexit vote the UK economy remained resilient, recording 2% growth last year. Consumer spending has been the engine of economic expansion, supported by relatively high employment.

The momentum has remained strong thus far in 2017, but higher inflation due to the weak pound and increasing uncertainty surrounding negotiations with the EU will likely weigh on household consumption in 2017. Investment growth will slow down due to increased uncertainty over the course of the EU-UK negotiations (the UK government invoked Article 50 in March 2017, formally beginning the exit negotiation process with the EU).



United Kingdom - consumer prices



At the same time, exports are expected to pick up in 2017, helped by increased international competitiveness due to the weaker pound. UK GDP growth is expected to slow down to 1.6% in 2017 and 1.2% in 2018. Despite increasing inflation, the Bank of England has kept interest rates at 0.25% for the time being.




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